Career Combine DNA Technology And Medicine

Career combines genetics and medicine, because the study of heredity and DNA technology have opened doors to countless people who can help people with various diseases by developing new medicines and medical treatments. It is now possible to know a person’s predisposition towards certain diseases by analyzing his DNA or genetic code. This genetic information tells you how susceptible a person is to certain health conditions and thus gives you options as to what you should do and should not do when faced with such medical conditions. With this in mind, career combines genetics and medicine have literally given birth to a new generation of medical professionals who will literally help millions of people around the world.

Biomedical Research

Biomedical research involves the investigation and evaluation of human cells and tissues for their functionality and for identification if they are infected or not. Medical professionals conduct scientific research on human DNA and compile the results into meaningful results for medical advancement and better treatment for all types of diseases. Some of the topics included in DNA research are: genetic therapy, molecular biology, genome engineering, transcription, and transcriptomics. These topics are all related to genetics and the methodologies used to study it scientifically. The field of medical research may be divided further into areas such as: bioinformatics, metabolomics, prokaryote chemistry, microbial, genetic analysis, etc.

Dentistry covers the study of teeth and their structure. When the structure of a tooth is in question, a doctor uses his expertise in order to determine the relationship between a person’s genes and the structure of his teeth. The result would then enable him to recommend treatments that will be effective in treating the ailment. If you want to have a career in dentistry, you must be an individual with perfect oral hygiene. Otherwise, you will be restricted to some practices only like cleaning and polishing of teeth and treating minor oral infections.

Medical Geneticists

Medical genetics and diagnostic equipment are integral parts of modern medicine. In the field of medical genetics, experts study the function of specific chromosomes in determining hereditary disorders that may lead to disease. Medical geneticists are involved in the study of hereditary disorders at the molecular level.

Genetic Information

Genomics is an area of medicine focused on analyzing the DNA of individuals. It is where experts study the role of genes in affecting an individual’s development. This involves sequencing and analyzing of genetic material called DNA microarray. Using dna microarray, experts can determine the relationships between individuals using a huge database of genetic information.

Although the field of medicine covers a wide variety of topics, one of the most interesting branches of science is genetics and diagnosis. If you want to have a career in this field, you must possess a bachelor’s degree in biology or medicine. In addition to this, you must be qualified to work as a graduate student in the field of genetics and diagnostic techniques using DNA technology.

Tech Nickel

